On the first day of Christmas
I gave my child with ASD
A posted calendar for them to see.
On the second day of Christmas
I gave my child with ASD
A social narrative read by me.
On the third day of Christmas
I gave my child with ASD
An album of the people they will see.
On the fourth day of Christmas
I gave my child with ASD
A tour of the places they'll be.
On the fifth day of Christmas
I gave my child with ASD
A quiet, calm and safe space to be.
On the sixth day of Christmas
I gave my child with ASD
A village working to keep days trigger free.
On the seventh day of Christmas
I gave my child with ASD
A chance to participate happily.
On the eighth day of Christmas
I gave my child with ASD
Routine consistency.
On the ninth day of Christmas
I gave my child with ASD
My flexibility.
On the tenth day of Christmas
I gave my child with ASD
Practice taking turns and waiting patiently.
On the eleventh day of Christmas
I have my child with ASD
Paced out activities.
On the twelfth day of Christmas
I gave my child with ASD
A schedule for our day so merry.
