Are you looking for a fun, easy to set up Christmas activity? Check out this Christmas Memory Matching game!
Making the game is easy. Simply print, then cut out the card and you're set to play.
Set-up the game at the difficulty level suited to your child's skills and have fun.
Easy Play
1) Place one picture from each set of pairs into a pile placed face down on the table in front of you
2) Place the remaining pictures face up in a single layer on the table.

Game play:
1) Begin by flipping the top card on the face down pile
2) Match the picture that you flipped with the corresponding picture from the face-up single layer pictures on the table
3) Remove the paired pictures and place off to the side.
4) Let the next player take their turn (starting at 1)
4) Repeat until all pictures have been found.
Medium Play
1) Choose 4 pairs
2) Place face down in a single layer on the table

Game Play:
1) Choose two pictures to turn over.
a) If the pictures do not match, turn them back over (face down). Let the
next player take a turn (starting at step 1)
b) If the pictures are a match remove them from the table. Begin at step 1.
2) Repeat until all of the pictures have been removed from the table.
Difficult Play
1) Follow the instructions for Medium play set up placing all 8 pairs instead
of four
Game Play:
1) Follow instructions outline in Medium Difficulty game play.
Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels